Tullo’s Sensory Toys
Tullo’s sensory toys include cubes, hemispheres, peanut-shapes, discs and balls with spikes, strips or grooves.
The soft spikes stimulate your young one’s sensory receptors, massage their skin and improve their blood circulation. The various shapes, colours and textures on offer not only affect the sense of touch, but also stimulate your baby's eyesight. The spiky balls and other toys in this series are products designed for babies and young infants, but can also be used in therapy for older children with sensory integration disorders.
In addition, as the toys were made in cooperation with physiotherapists, they can be employed for rehabilitation and physical therapy purposes. They support the correction of faulty posture, flat feet and knock-knees in children.
Sensory Stimulation - Spiky Toys and Balls
Proper sensory integration is the basis for your young one’s further development and for their effective learning of new skills. This is the process in which the brain organises and orders the stimuli received from all the senses and sends out appropriate responses. Sensory integration in infants and older children can be actively supported, by among other means, through using sensory toys.
The most popular sensory toy is a spiky ball. The soft and flexible spikes (which can also be stripes or grooves) stimulate the sensory receptors and improve blood circulation. By touching and squeezing the ball, your young one’s manual skills are practised and his or her so-called fine motor skills are developed. This spiky ball can be used to relieve the muscle tension of infants and older children. Moreover, these soft spikes gently massage sore gums once the teething process starts by being manipulated within the mouth. Of note, some of our sensory balls do not have holes, so they can be used for bath-time fun.
Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy and Sensory Disorders in Children
Spiky balls, sensory discs and hemispheres can be used for the purpose of treating sensory integration disorders in pre-school and school-age children. By laying them out on the floor, it is possible to create a so-called sensory pathway, where a child can walk, jump and run. Such discs or rehabilitation balls covered with spikes are also used for hand and foot massage. They are helpful in treating faulty posture, flat feet and knock-knees in children of all ages. They support sensory integration at home and are an excellent attraction during group sensory activities for children.
Tullo’s sensory toys, accessories and physical therapy balls are made in Poland from safe and certified materials. The various shapes, colours and textures of Tullo’s sensory toys stimulate the senses (touch, sight, hearing) and comprehensively support the physical and mental development of infants and children.